This is a dolmen from the Mid-Neolithic period, (1st half of the 3rd millennium BC). The first person to study it and give it its name was Isidre Macau in 1934. It is a passage tomb, with a long rectangular chamber and a wide passageway with converging parallel walls and a large Catalan V-shaped gallery. The chamber is made up of parallel walls, and consists of six slabs and the capstone. There is no record of any remains of the paving. Its internal dimensions are 2 metres long, 1.4 metres wide and 1.6 metres high. Access was via a passageway of stones, constructed on flat ground. Well-preserved remains of a mound can be seen on all sides of the chamber, which must have been circular with a diameter of 8 or 9 metres, and filled with stones. No sign of the containment ring is seen, which must have consisted of a dry-stone wall.
17489, El Port de la Selva, Girona, Spain
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